Tuesday, December 22, 2009

iRepository at Perpustakaan UniMAP


Recently i found out that UniMAP also using DSpace for their library digital collection.Here is the url http://dspace.unimap.edu.my/dspace/. I have to say that it looks a bit mess especially the cyan color for body and the white space between the sections. Well, i'm also bad at web design and creativity but i beleive this repository can be more pleasant to the user.

They can also create a manakin interface out of it. Just like DSpace@UM did. Here is the link http://dspace.fsktm.um.edu.my/xmlui/. Anyway this is one of a good effort by UniMAP. They have thounsands of digital documents consist of final year projects, government publications, researches and innovations and more. Due to some technical problems(no photoshop in this pc) i cannot publish the main interface of the DSpace UniMAP. Hope that soon other university and college will have their own digital repository like this and perhaps we can integrate one and the other in future.