Thursday, October 28, 2010

IDE Integration: DSpace and Netbeans

Salam and hi everyone,

Today i'm gonna write about my experience checking out DSpace source code using netbeans and try to make the it up and running on my local. My primary reference is this : Duraspace. Its the best guide you can find to help you to get DSpace source code and how to make it runs on our local.

Of course i have other references. They are like below:-
a)How to Guide : Tips and tricks for managing common DSpace chores.
b)DSpace manual.

There you go!! You have all the references needed, now what you need is a bit knowledge on java framework / web based project structure. B4 you start you may need this softwares :-

a)Netbeans IDE : I'm using v6.9
b)Apache Tomcat : I'm using v5.5
c)Apache Ant : I'm using v1.8.1
d)Apache Maven : I'm using v2.0.11
e)PostgreSql : I'm using v8.4
f)jdk : I'm using v1.6.0_20

All softwares above are free. Currently DSpace also capable of using Oracle database instead of PostgreSql. Perhaps because of the demands of using an oracle database.

If you follow the steps on the primary reference carefully you may end up successfully.However, you have to make sure that at the end of every steps you have correctly follow the step by doing some test. I several time failed to understand the instructions and caused me a disaster.

Below is my snapshot on the netbeans with DSpace source code.

Don't give up easily, its easier if you understand what are the steps for. You may ask me if you get stuck. Anyway, good luck!! c ya :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

WebService Using JBossWS

Salam guys,

Recently i've been asked by my boss to research on webservices for the current project. The current project is using jboss 4.0.5 GA and my boss gave me this very helpful website :
The Code Project. After struggle for few weeks i finally able to test the webservices. Hopefully i'll be able to do the webservice task for the project (ITS DAMN DIFFICULT!!).

Previous post i wrote a bit about proposing DSpace to my company. With help from my collegue i finished the presentation slide. This time more on business model rather than technical. There are 5 business model types that i can think of from DSpace and of course its all have a good potential especially here in Malaysia and world overall. I was thinking, what if they like my idea? What if not? Hmm.. Well, all i think now is give the best out of me and pray that whatever happen there must be a good reason behind it.

So, wish me luck and hope that everything goes well..

Monday, September 13, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Salam everyone,

1st of all i would like to wish to all muslims a very happy hari raya and maaf zahir & batin. Perhaps, somehow my writings had hurt someone's feeling. So, back to work story (even though i'm still in the holiday's mode). Recently, i propose DSpace with 'added element' to my company. I can say that the council like the idea but due to lack on business explaination, they ask me to do a re-presentation after raya. Well, its such an experience (selling idea to all CTOs in the subsidiary company). Its also a good exposure to my knowledge in presentation and public speaking skills.

Its been +- 2 weeks since i helped LOFSA project. I responsible in turning 'complicated' report into 'reality'. We use iReport to develop reports and certainly when it comes to open source software, it has its limitations. Similiarly, goes to iReport, it has many functions such as subreport, group, crosstab and much more. However, not all report's structure is 'can do' with iReport. So when it comes to 'toooo complicated' report, you might need to use database views to help you simplified the query in your report. Anyway, i must give a credit to JasperForge for their great effort in developing such a great BA tools available for industry. If you have any questions on iReport please leave a comment here, i'll try my best to help.
Well, that's all for now. Perhaps on the next post i can write about stored procedure, shell scripting and cronJobs. Till then, take care :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Digital Library OR Institutional Repository?

Salam guys,

I have been thinking for quite some time, what is digital library and what is institutional repository? How are they differs from each other? So, i come out with a quick research and found this in wikipedia :-
1) "A digital library is a library in which collections are stored in digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers. The digital content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. A digital library is a type of information retrieval system." - taken from


2) "An Institutional Repository is an online locus for collecting, preserving, and disseminating -- in digital form -- the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution.

For a university, this would include materials such as research journal articles, before (preprints) and after (postprints) undergoing peer review, and digital versions of theses and dissertations, but it might also include other digital assets generated by normal academic life, such as administrative documents, course notes, or learning objects." - taken from

So, from the above definition i can say that the different between DL(DIGITAL LIBRARY) and IR(INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY) is depends on its contents and its purpose. When it comes to the large community we use DL and as for smaller community we use IR. Let me give an example, In Malaysia, we have libraries, so whenever you want to digitize all the books/newspapers/magazines/journals/articles etc and put it online we call it DL. However, universities/colleges/institutional etc may develop an IR for their thesis/paper work/journals/articles etc.

Haven't said that, both DL and IR shares the main development purpose that is to preserve the digital assets and to make it accessible by the targeted user. Thus, you can call it either DL or IR and its still means the same (well, at least to me).


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Service Provider @ DSpace

Salam everybody,

In recent post, i wrote about the growth of DSpace and i told about a new page they have that is Service Provider. Well, a few days ago i wrote an email to DSpace and ask them if i am qualified to become the Malaysian Ambassador. They responded and i am very thankful to them as they put my blog inside their page. This will make people all over the world (especially Malaysian) to have 'DSpace Resource' nearer than ever. I will put myself on 'hardworking' mode to study and 'contribute' to DSpace community or at least to DSpace user to be. Here take a look at this page Service Provider and try to find my name there!! :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

DSpace and its growth

Salam everyone,

Sorry for not posting anything since January. It's not that i too busy for blogging, its just that i have nothing interesting to tell you guys. However, recently i received a call from one of the most established and well known university college. They asked for my consultation on DSpace.

So, i started to 'refresh' everything about DSpace. I have 'left' DSpace for almost a year and i know just where to start it all over again. It's the DSpace website. I'm shocked that not only the interface but also the content and functions that DSpace has to offer is changed. DSpace has growth and it's growing fast! They have a bigger community and better support for users.

Here are some of the functions that i find very interesting :-
1) Who's using DSpace
There are 883 institutions world wide using DSpace and only 4 of them are from Malaysia that are University of Malaya (UM), Islamic Science University of Malaya, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) and Universiti Tanaga Nasional (Uniten).(and i belive many institutions in Malaysia is thinking and some even has already started building its own digital repository.)

2) DuraSpace
"The DuraSpace organization provides leadership and innovation in open source and cloud-based technologies primarily for libraries, universities, research centers, and cultural heritage organizations. DuraSpace software and services are used worldwide as solutions for institutional repositories, open access publishing, digital libraries, digital archives, digital collections, data curation, virtual research environments, and more."-taken from DuraSpace website

3) Service Providers
The list of companies that provides services on DSpace related work such as design, development, installation/configuration, integration, customization, hosting, training and analysis. I wonder how can i put my company on the list.huhu..

4) Relevant Bloggers
Thoses blogs are relevant to digital libraries, open access and DSpace. I guess my blog is less technical so i'm not relevant at this moment.hhahha..

5) DSpace Ambassador
Well, the word 'Ambassador' has describe enough of what it is all about. This program is the best way to get 'in-touch' with the users. Each ambassador is pointed by DSpace and each region should have at least one ambassador. Malaysia? No ambassador so far (HELLO!!! I'M HERE!!!) :p

So, there you go! DSpace is absolute answer for digital repository initiative. Hopefully DSpace can mange to catch up with the latest technology to keep being 'relevant' to the digital solutions.

see ya :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

DSpace at UNITEN Library


1st of all i would like to wish a very happy new year(hope its not too late) to you. Well this 2010 i would like to starts with Uniten's initiatives in developing their own digital repository. Early this month i just found out that Uniten also has a dspace. I have to omit that it looks simple but nice.

They also embed a google search on right side bar which i think is a good idea. However its not a common google search bar, its a google scholar! I have no idea what it is actually. Can someone tell me what is it??? Apart from that the dspace at uniten also consist many collections such as articles, newspaper articles and the most interesting - past year examination paper. Besides, they also have link to Uniten's website and UNITEN Library (which also has links to other universities institutional repository). Maybe for you guys its nothing but a direct simple hyperlink, but not many dspace (here in my blog) did this.

Hopefully, this dspace helps students in doing a research and be the one stop centre for knowledge at Uniten. Here take a visit : So, congratulations to the Uniten's dspace team and good luck in enhancing / maintaining the repository. :)