Monday, January 25, 2010

DSpace at UNITEN Library


1st of all i would like to wish a very happy new year(hope its not too late) to you. Well this 2010 i would like to starts with Uniten's initiatives in developing their own digital repository. Early this month i just found out that Uniten also has a dspace. I have to omit that it looks simple but nice.

They also embed a google search on right side bar which i think is a good idea. However its not a common google search bar, its a google scholar! I have no idea what it is actually. Can someone tell me what is it??? Apart from that the dspace at uniten also consist many collections such as articles, newspaper articles and the most interesting - past year examination paper. Besides, they also have link to Uniten's website and UNITEN Library (which also has links to other universities institutional repository). Maybe for you guys its nothing but a direct simple hyperlink, but not many dspace (here in my blog) did this.

Hopefully, this dspace helps students in doing a research and be the one stop centre for knowledge at Uniten. Here take a visit : So, congratulations to the Uniten's dspace team and good luck in enhancing / maintaining the repository. :)