Thursday, April 21, 2011


Hola guys... while doing my task at office, I found this interesting tips for designing web form. This tips are given by Luke Wrobleski .
  1. Path To Completion - Use progress indicators to communicate scope, status and position
  2. Label Alignment - Use right, left or top alignment consistently
  3. Helps & Tips - Help visible & adjacent to a data request is most useful
  4. Inline Validation - Provide direct feedback as data is entered
  5. Primary & Secondary Actions - Avoid secondary actions if possible and align primary actions with inputs fields for a clear path to completion
  6. Actions in Progress - Provide feedback when an actions is in progress
  7. Errors - Clearly communicate an error has occurred: top placement, visual contrast
  8. Unnecessary Inputs - Look for opportunities to remove unnecessary inputs
  9. Form Organization - Take the time to evaluate every question you ask and ensure your forms speak with one voice
  10. Gradual Engagement - Try to avoid sign-up forms
Read the details elaborations here .