Today i'm gonna write about dspace. DSpace is an open source software for developing digital library. It is developed by HP-MIT Alliance. Its widely used by most institutions all over the world. Easy to install, configure and customize are among the reasons why this software is the first choice. In fact, at Malaysia there are more than 3 institutions (as far as i'm concern) using dspace for institutional repository.

Well, for me i'm going to tell you a bit about DSpace at University of Malaya as i involved little bit in configuration and customization. The installation of DSpace is not as simple as greenstone. As it builds on java, any changes you made may need to recompile before you can see the changes. Besides the dspace installation pack, you may need apache maven, postgreSQL, apache ant and some more softwares (i can't remember).

However, you don't have to worry as the step-by-step guidelines is availabe on the dspace web for the beginner. Compared to greenstone dspace is totally 100% online repository as the records are submitted through its web and not like greenstone which use GLI to build records. The good thing about dspace is you can easily create a collection, sub collection, community and sub community to better organise your repository. DSpace @ UM is for student at UM submitting their thesis and other related paper work. Its a commitment by our Information Science head of department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abrizah Abdullah with help from the team and Mr.Nor Badrul.
Now we have come to the customization. hmmm.. i don't where to start actually. At first, i have been asked by Mr.Bad to change the 'look' of the dspace. Then Dr.Abrizah asked me to create another 'face' for dspace using DSpace Manakin. hmm.. its already in the dspace installation package, you just need to configure to enable the manakin interface. Anyway, its a great experienced playing with this software. later, i will tell you on dspace workshop handled by University of Malaya Library for AUNILO.
-DSpace Workshop for Aunilo-
Aunilo is stands for 'ASEAN University Network Inter Library'. The University Of Malaya Library handled a workshop title '3-day Intitutional Repository (IR) Workshop Using DSpace for AUNILO Members.' Started from 25th - 27th May 2009. The modules in the workshop are :
4.Harvest; and
5.Use DSpace Interface and its various utility panels.
And as for my part, i did the installation, configuration and customization using Manakin Interface. Its a half day talk of step-by-step guidelines and also troubleshooting for those encounter problems during the tutorial.
If the schedule for the workshop still available you can see it here: Anyway, its my 1st time teaching people who are from outside Malaysia and i can say that i might be the youngest person in that workshop (not really sure, but i think so.). So, at 1st place i was a bit nervous, but from time to time as i start to focus on the teaching my feelings are getting better. Overall, the workshop is one successful program and i have fun attending and sharing some knowledge with others :)
recently i found that dspace has a collection of who's using dspace around the world. Here, take a look : Its a long page so obviously many institutions has already use dspace including malaysia. Currently Malaysia has 4 institutions using dsppace. However, this num may not be the exact amount as there might be unreported institutions using dspace.
ReplyDeleteAsm En. Zulhakim..
ReplyDeleteSaya Firdausz fr Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. Actually saya dapat tau yang En. Zulhakim banyak menjalankan projek2 berkaitan e-Repository , yang terkini dSpace.
Saya ingin berbincang dengan En. Zulhakim dengan lebih lanjut berkenaan perkara ini sebab mungkin kita boleh bekerjasama di dalam hal ini. Maksud saya begini, bagaimana PNM boleh bekerjasama dengan En. Zulhakim dalam membangunkan serta mempromosi penggunaan e-Repository di Malaysia. Kalau tidak keberatan, boleh hubungi saya di talian 017-2648101 untuk kita bincang lebih lanjut.
Hi Zulhakim,
ReplyDeleteI have been doing research and have been working on Dspace for quite some time now and I believe there is a huge potential for business opportunities in Malaysia.
Please call me @ 012 363 5029 to discuss further.