Monday, March 21, 2011

Change Project..Finally...

Salam everyone,
Finally after 2 years i involving myself on the development,warranty and maintenance of BHEUU system, i finally has been assigned to join the JPJ REVAMP team at Cyberjaya. This is the on of the biggest project for my company for the year 2010/2011. I started to work at cyber on Dec 2010. My first assignment (like usual) is to help my colleague on their report problem. Here, they're using iReport 3.7.5 (current relase v4.0.1). The last version iReport that i used (for Labuan FSA) report is v3.0.0. And of course at first i'm shocked because the iReport interface and 'way to do' is slightly different. Anyway, the new(v3.7.5/v3.7.6) iReport version has its own strenghts and a better function than v3.0.0.

A part from that, i also has been assigned to do an applet application to perform the pre-printed receipt printing (using printer Wincor Nixdorf). The requirement is quite complicated and user expectation is nothing but perfection. This can help you guys through the development, but in my case, i would rather use Doc and send it direct to default printer as the receipt must be printed using the custom made font for JPJ. Here is the reference :

Well at last i finally completed the task and now looking forward for a new task (System Design Document(SDD) as well as learning HP TRIM and IBM BAM(monitoring tools)..)


  1. Salam.just want to ask, JPJrevamp using what language ea?? coz I have been assigned for project JPJRevamp also for my Internship starting this June..I would like to know the language and the framework so that easy for me to prepare myself. Thanks :)


  2. java, looking forward to c u in d project :)

  3. okai :)..some mistaken actually, July actually..Thanks..
